Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Texas, Our Texas

Final Project Video Coming Soon!!!!!

I am a graduate student at the University of Houston and am taking Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. I was given the project of creating a digital story about something that was personal and that I thought would be a good use of instruction formally and informally. I am a first grade teacher in East Houston and one thing that came to mind that I really enjoy teaching about is Texas symbols. Each spring my students explore their state and all the wonderful things about it that makes it so unique. I picked Texas as my topic because there is so much to discover about our home, and the kids really enjoy learning about it. I think this video will be a great way to show some iconic Texas symbols and spark a discussion on what are other great things kids love about their state. Although it is intended for a young audience, this video can accomodate a variety of audiences such as older students researching Texas, residents of other states learning about Texas, or even newcomers that want to learn a little about what Texas is all about.

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